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What is the Method of Time Study?

Time Study:

Time study may be a method of measuring work for recording the days of performing a particular specific task or its elements administered under specified conditions. An operator does same operation (task) throughout the day. time and motion study help to define what proportion time is important for an operator to hold out the task at an outlined rate of performance.

Time Study
Time Study

Time study is additionally called work measurement. it's essential for both planning and control of operations.

According to British Standard Institute time and motion study has been defined as “The application of techniques designed to determine the time for a professional worker to hold out a specified job at an outlined level of performance.”

Steps in Making Time Study:

Stop watch time is that the basic technique for determining accurate time standards. they're economical for repetitive sort of work. Steps in taking the time and motion study are:

1. Select the work to be studied.

2. Obtain and record all the knowledge available about the work , the operator and therefore the working conditions likely to affect the time and motion study work.

3. Breakdown the operation into elements. a component may be a instinct a part of a specified activity composed of 1 or more fundamental motions selected for convenience of observation and timing.

4. Measure the time by means of a stop watch taken by the operator to perform each element of the operation. Either continuous method or snap back method of timing might be used.

5. At an equivalent time, assess the operators effective speed of labor relative to the observer’s concept of ‘normal’ speed. this is often called performance rating.

6. Adjust the observed time by rating factor to get normal time for every element

Normal= (Observed time *Rating)/100

1. Add the acceptable allowances to catch up on fatigue, personal needs, contingencies. etc. to offer civil time for every element.

2. Compute allowed time for the whole job by adding elemental standard times considering frequency of occurrence of every element.

3. Make an in depth description describing the tactic that the quality time is established.

4. Test and review standards wherever necessary.

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