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Application of Kaizen System in Apparel Industry

Updated: Mar 27, 2021


KAIZEN may be a Japanese word which contains two terms i.e.KAI means “CHANGE” and ZEN means “GOOD”. So over all KAIZEN means “Changes finished better improvement during a management system of companies”. In simple manner KAIZEN means continuous improvement by including all members, Higher authorities, Managers, Workers and every and everybody associated with it with practical implementation of ideas.

Kaizen System
Kaizen System

Kaizen refers to a series of activities through which waste sources are eliminated one at a time, for minimal cost, by workers pooling their wisdom and understanding of the work, thus increasing efficiency in an efficient timely manner.

The Principles of Kaizen are:

  1. Human resources are the foremost important company asset

  2. Process must evolve by gradual improvement instead of radical changes

  3. Improvement must be supported evaluation of process performance

  4. By practicing Kaizen culture, managers demonstrate commitment to quality. Also, the workers with adequate support from managers become a serious source of improvement.

  5. Kaizen system is straightforward , buttheir implications are far reaching. These are often within the area of Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety & Morale of Employees i.e.; PQCDSM.

  6. It is continuous process.


Ten basic principles for Improvement within the view of KAIZEN:

  1. Throw outcall of your fixed ideas about the way to do things.

  2. Think of how the new method will work-not how it won’t.

  3. Don’t accept excuses. Totally deny the established order .

  4. Don’t seek perfection. A 50-percent implementation rate is ok as long as it’s done on the spot.

  5. Correct mistakes the instant they’re found.

  6. Don’t spend tons of cash on improvement.

  7. Problems offer you an opportunity to use your brain.

  8. Ask “why” a minimum of five times until you discover the last word cause.

  9. Ten people’s ideas are better than one person’s.

  10. Improvement knows no limit.


  • Kaizen activities specialise in every operation and process so as to feature value and eliminate waste.

  • Process: is that the sequence of operations needed to style and make a product.

  • Operation: is one activity performed by one machine or person thereon product.


  1. Products(Quantity, Rejects etc.)

  2. Equipment(Changeover, Utilization, Breakdown)

  3. Human(Communication, Awareness, Stillness)

  4. Processes(Waiting Time, Bottleneck, Line Balancing, VCS)

  5. System(QC, Specification, Infection)

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mashup all
mashup all

Very useful information thanks.

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