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How to control pucker & roping on satin fabric ?

If seams on satin material pucker up, do not say: "But this Satin cloth does that", due to the fact my reply to the college students is genuinely that you have not even tried. You have not utilized all the specialty stitching tricks.

Unfortunately many a client simply loves satin dresses, be it trend of the day or not. Satin sells. You can wager on satin clothes parading any pink carpet, and you can double that wager on the truth that most of these will proudly show a puckered seam. I see satin clothes with puckered seams in show home windows of pinnacle layout houses. And but I am now not inclined to genuinely take delivery of that it is the fabric's fault.

Over the years, I suggested college students now not to use satins in their graduating ranges, however denying them the trip (or the struggle) is now not the answer. So, now I am sharing with you my satin stitching guidelines which has been compiled from trial and error and enter from experts.

How to sew a perfect satin seam

Before the stitching even starts, seem to be at the sketch and how it will be cut. Satin clothes have to now not have too many seams, specifically now not too many vertical seams that will fall on the warp (length grain) of the fabric. Seams on grain pucker greater without problems than seams that fall on the bias. Where you do on the other hand have vertical seams that will fall on the warp, cut your sample on weft grain, (cross grain) so that the vertical seams do no longer fall on the warp.

• Know your machine! Use a small, single gap throat plate which prevents the cloth from being swallowed into the machine. Try a slender straight sew foot or a flat-bottom presser foot might also help. Adjust the stress on the stress foot (if your laptop has this function)

• Use a wider seam allowance, in order to go your computing device needle to the a long way left, as to supply aid on four sides. Left, right, the front and back

• Hold the material firmly on the the front and back, now not pulling, solely company ample to guide the fabric, preserving it a straight perspective when guiding it via the machine

• Use a sharp popular needle with longer stitch lengths

• Loosen the pinnacle anxiety on machine

• Change the attribute of the cloth in this stitching area, with the aid of fusing the seam allowance and the stitching line with a smooth fusing. If your seam allowance is 1.5 cm, your fusing strip have to be 1.7 cm

• Test your seam on an off-cut material piece, the place the seam falls on the identical grain as your reduce garment.

• A puckered seam will no longer end puckering after pressing. Test all of the above methods. Do now not rush a satin seam. Testing genuinely saves time, due to the fact after you have tried to 'fix' a puckered seam with pressing, you will actually discover that urgent is no longer the answer, leaving you now not desire to unpick the seam, and begin from scratch. perts.

Image courtesy - craftsy-com

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