5S represents 5 disciplines for maintaining a visible workplace (visual controls and knowledge systems).
These are foundational to Kaizen (continuous improvement) and a producing strategy based “Lean Manufacturing” (waste removing) concepts.
5S is one among the activities which will help ensure our company’s survival.
Sort-All unneeded tools, parts and supplies are faraway from the world
Set in Order-A place for everything and everything is in its place
Shine-The area is cleaned because the work is performed
Standardize-Cleaning and identification methods are consistently applied
Sustain-5S may be a habit and is continually improved
Also-Work areas are safe and freed from hazardous or dangerous conditions.
5S Examples:
1. Sort-All unneeded tools, parts and supplies are faraway from the world .
2. Set in Order-A place for everything and everything is in its place.
3. Shine-The area is cleaned because the work is performed (best) and\or there's a routine to stay the work area clean.
4.Standardize-Cleaning and identification methods are consistently applied.
Departments have weekly 5S tours. Every job has duties that use Sort, Set so as and Shine. We all have common duties to try to to our part to stay all areas of the plant in shape -break room, restrooms, locker area, parking zone , etc.
5. Sustain-5S may be a habit and is continually improved
5S may be a simple concept with powerful results. you'll get additional information on 5S in order that you'll be equipped. Our experience is that the more we do 5S the higher the work environment becomes: cleaner, safer, more organized, the work is simpler , less confusion and fewer stress. Use the 5S (work\home\play) -The more you employ it the better it becomes and life just gets better and better.