What is Kanban?
Kanban may be a scheduling system for lean and just-in-time (JIT) production. Kanban may be a system to regulate the logistical chain from a production point of view, and isn't a listing system . Kanban was developed by Taiichi Ohno, at Toyota, to seek out a system to enhance and maintain a high level of production. Kanban is one method through which JIT is achieved.
Kanban became an efficient tool in support of running a production system as an entire , and it proved to be a superb way for promoting improvement. Problem areas were highlighted by reducing the amount of kanban in circulation.
It is also a way for work and inventory release, may be a major component of Just in Time and Lean Manufacturing philosophy. it had been originally developed at Toyota within the 1950s as how of managing material flow on the production line . Over the past three decades the Kanban process, a highly efficient and effective factory production system, has developed into an optimum manufacturing environment resulting in global competitiveness. Kanban stands for Kan-card, Ban-signal. The essence of the Kanban concept is that a supplier, the warehouse or manufacturing should only deliver components as and once they are needed, in order that there's no excess Inventory. Within this technique , workstations located along production lines only produce/deliver desired components once they receive a card and an empty container, indicating that more parts are going to be needed in production. just in case of line interruptions, each workstation will only produce enough components to fill the container then stop. additionally , Kanban limits the quantity of inventory within the process by acting as an authorization to supply more Inventory. Since Kanban may be a chain process during which orders be due one process to a different , the assembly or delivery of components are pulled to the assembly line, in contrast to the normal forecast oriented method where parts are pushed to the road .
Rules of Kanban:
There are six generally accepted rules for kanban:
1. Downstream processes may only withdraw items within the precise amounts specified on the kanban.
2. Upstream processes may only send items downstream within the precise amounts and sequences specified by the kanban.
3. No items are made or moved without a kanban.
4. A kanban must accompany each item in the least times.
5. Defects and incorrect amounts are never sent to subsequent downstream process.
6. the amount of kanbans should be monitored carefully to reveal problems and opportunities for improvement.
Advantages of Kanban Processing :
Provides an easy and understandable process. Provides quick and precise information. There are low costs related to the transfer of data . Provides quick response to changes.
There is a strict limit of over-capacity in processes. Avoids overproduction. Minimizes waste.
Full control are often maintained. Delegate’s responsibility to line workers.