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What is Supply Chain in Apparel Sector?

Updated: Mar 12, 2021

Supply Chain Management:

Supply Chain Management is that the integration of key business processes from user to original suppliers that gives products, services, and knowledge that add value for patrons and other stakeholders.

Demand Pyramid
Demand Pyramid

The Apparel Supply Chain:

The Apparel Supply Chain comprises diverse staple sectors, ginning facilities, spinning and extrusion processes, processing sector, weaving and knitting factories and garment (and other stitched and non-stitched) manufacturing that provide an in depth channel . This supply chain is probably one among the foremost diverse in terms of the raw materials used, technologies deployed and products produced.

Supply Chain
Supply Chain

This supply chain supplies about 70 per cent by value of its production to the domestic market. The channel comprises wholesalers, distributors and an outsized number of small retailers selling garments and textiles. it's only recently that enormous retail formats are emerging thereby increasing variety also as volume on display at one location. Another feature of the channel is that the strong presence of ‘agents’ who secure and consolidate orders for producers.

Definition of supply chain management as developed and employed by the worldwide Supply Chain Forum (3): Supply Chain Management is that the integration of key business processes from user to original suppliers that gives products, services, and knowledge that add value for patrons and other stakeholders.

The above definition is reflected within the configuration of a typical apparel supply, shown in fig-2. As evident, the whole apparel supply chain consists of each organization ranging from initial fibre supplier to consumer purchasing apparel products for final consumption. Each organization comprises various functional domains, as manufacturing, planning, marketing etc. as shown within the fig-2. Effective supply chain manages flow of demand and provide , which are occupation the other direction to every other, in an efficient way at every node of supply chain.

Depending on sorts of demand and provide , the apparel supply chain are often categorized principally into three kinds: Push, Pull and Synchronous.


Supply chain configuration depends on clock-speed of organization. Clock-speed of organization is that the speed with which the product-portfolio and process change in response to plug demand. So, organization having low clock-speed, i.e. with relatively stable demand may have push oriented supply chain. On the opposite hand, a high clock-speed organization with variable market demand may have pull oriented supply chain.

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